6U Fastpitch
6U FASTPITCH-Spring/Summer
Eligibility: See Age Eligibility Chart https://tonkasoftball.org/tonka-fastpitch/
Overview: Developed to introduce girls to fastpitch, while meeting the needs of families and players who want to be involved in Tonka Fastpitch from the beginning. Our 6U program teaches basic softball fundamentals, including throwing, catching, hitting and base running, with the goal of building player confidence and a love for the game. Rules are similar to higher age fastpitch levels, with modifications to enable learning and player development. Teams bat the lineup every inning, there is no leading off or stealing, and no walks. Pitching is done by coaches with the support of a tee, when needed. As the season progresses, players will start hitting off a machine to help with the transition to 8U. Games are played against other local communities with 6U programs, which provides a fun, competitive environment, while supporting early fastpitch player development.
Teams are formed by school, while accommodating friend requests as best as possible. Official fastpitch jerseys (similar to the higher age level fastpitch teams) and socks are included with the registration fee.
6U Spring Fastpitch Consists of:
- 1 practice a week
- 1 game per week (Mondays or Wednesdays)
- 1 softball given to promote practice at home
- Fastpitch jersey and socks
- 6U fastpitch clinic in April
- Local Travel (western suburbs)
- Spring Season is from Mid-April through Mid-July
Tonka Fastpitch is working on a new 6U league consisting of teams from Hopkins and other close communities. The schedule would change slightly...see proposal:
2025 6U Season - Proposal
April 2025
Coach led practices two per week.
May / June 2025
Monday Night Games (5pm-7pm): May 5, 12, 19, June 2, 9, 16, 23
Saturday Morning Games (9-11am): May 10, 17, 31, June 7, 14, 21
Practices will be incorporated into the game schedule. The first 45 minutes are for team-led skills and drills in the outfield. After a 15 minute break, a game will take place between the two teams for the last “hour” This “hour” could be just a two inning game where each team bats their full roster twice.
If odd number of teams in the league, one team would be rewarded with a bye and they can choose to do an association led practice or take a break.
No rescheduling of games due to weather conditions.
June 23’s 6U Extravaganza
Tonka will host a short, all team night at Legacy Fields with skills competitions, end of season trophies/medals, Chick-fil-A mascot, music, etc. If teams decide to participate in the event, then there will be a league.
- 1 practice per week
- 1 local scrimmage per week (Saturdays)
- Included in the registration fee: Jersey, socks, and 10" softie ball included to promote practice at home.
- Season last mid August to end of September
Tryouts: There are no tryouts for 6U. Teams will be formed by schools and friend requests.
Equipment: Black pants/shorts, softball helmet with cage, softball mitt, softball bat. Defensive masks are optional for 6U players.
We ask for players that want to join fastpitch to be dedicated to this sport. We want to keep our rosters small in order to get girls more playing time, but in order to do that, we need girls to be committed to softball during the season. We expect players to attend all practices and games.