Tonka Softball Skills/Drills resources 8U to 10U to 12U Progression of Skills The Hitting Vault, Hitting Drills and Quick Fixes videos 8U to 10U to 12U Progression of Skills The Hitting Vault, Hitting Drills and Quick Fixes Perfect Fielding Position (PFPs) Catching Drills 1 Catching Drills 2 Pickle Drill Throwing Progression Leading Off and Retreating Back to the Bag Pinch, Reach, Throw The Rules of the Game (Video) Great for brand new players! Get Defensive with Morgan Stuart (Defense Drills) The Packaged Deal (tons of skills/drills) The Speed of Softball (ESPN Sport Science) Hitting a Softball (ESPN Sport Science) Footwork and Efficiency of Infielders Pitching How to Pitch a Softball with Mike Candrea Jenny Finch Pitching Instruction How to Throw a Fastball-Amanda Scarborough Accuracy and Change Up - Amanda Scarborough 30 Pitching Drills Articles 10 Reasons Why Softball Can Change Your Life - Amanda Scarborough Why Striking Out Is Not the Worst Outcome Yes, Yes, No - Matt Lisle